Saturday, September 10, 2011

RX-93 Days 2/3/following week

So, last weekend I started building my MG RX-93 gundam. I finished building it on Sunday night, but I still have a bit of lining to finish and a lot of lining to clean up.

The groin is die-cast. This was taken after I painted it.

Tiny Amuro!

Comparison between this model's head(MG) and the head of a HG

Before painting

After painting. I think it looks better painted. The head needs to be cleaned up still.

The torso definitely needs some cleaning. I think I should've used a bit more thinner when I was mixing paint.

All put together

A little bit of weathering does a Gundam good

The funnels cause this problem. They're incredibly heavy and since they're only on one side, he leans A LOT. They do look cool, though.

I still have lining to do/clean up, but this is the finished build of the model.
I'll try and finish painting/cleaning up this weekend and hopefully start on my next MG

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